Darren Uyenoyama, a 28 year old part-time student, has high hopes for the future. He is currently taking classes at Skyline College in order to slowly work towards his degree. However, he is not sure what he wants his major to be. One thing is for sure, though, Uyenoyama enjoys taking journalism classes and writing.
When asked what his future holds, Darren said he hopes to one day own a martial arts gym. For the time being, he enjoys teaching and competing in mixed martial arts. As a matter of fact, he just fought on February 1st and won in 50 seconds. His endeavors in mixed martial arts have taken him to many places in the world. However, Darren does have to follow a strict diet to ensure he is in the best shape for his fights.
Some people might think that not being able to go out and drink at 28 years old isn't a very fun lifestyle, but it works for Uyenoyama. He has been happily married since August of 2002 and has two beautiful children. His son Sean is 9 years old and his daughter Kako is 4 years old. He definitely considers himself a family man. When I asked him about some advice he would give his children, he said, "everyone has to paddle their own canoe."
When he is not at home with his family, you can find Darren at the movies or hanging out at the beach. He also enjoys listening to reagge and hip-hop music. Darren lives by the words his boss once told him, "Sometimes to get people to listen to you you just have to punch them in the face." Watch out!